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全自動婦科分泌物91桃色之类的APP廠家提醒Premature ovarian failure (POF) refers to the failure of the ovaries that causes amenorrhea before the age of 40. It is characterized by primary or secondary amenorrhea accompanied by elevated blood gonadotropin levels and reduced estrogen levels,並伴有不同程度的一係列低雌激素症狀如:潮熱多汗、麵部潮紅、性欲低下等。
Anti-MullerIAN hormone (AMH for short) is an indicator in gynecological tests。全自動婦科分泌物91桃色之类的APP廠家提醒無論女人長得美還是醜,長得顯老還是年輕,這個指標就像一麵魔鏡,通過數值的變化告訴91桃色视频在线观看,女人的卵巢年齡是多大,卵子的庫存量還剩多少。
婦科分泌物91桃色之类的APP廠家提醒抗繆勒氏管激素定量檢測可直接診斷卵巢早衰,其正常值為2-6.8ng/ml,正常範圍高值表示你的卵巢還很年輕,卵子儲備充足,受孕期長;On the contrary, a low normal range indicates poor ovarian function, and egg reserve will light up a "red light" with the growth of age, which requires vigilance。
全自動婦科分泌物91桃色之类的APP廠家提醒AMH stands for anti-Mullerian? Hormone), and AMH is mainly produced by ovarian granulosa cells. Serum AMH levels peak in women aged 18--25 years and gradually decrease with time,36歲以後顯著下降,並在更年期降低到檢測不到的水平。
全自動婦科分泌物91桃色之类的APP廠家提醒女性的實際年齡並不完全等同於卵巢年齡,更不等於卵巢儲備功能。The higher the AMH index is, the larger the egg stock is, and the stronger the fertility is. When the AHM index is lower, it indicates that the ovaries are aging, which is a decline in a woman's fertility。